
UPDATE on walking out of a bait-and-switch interview for a job posted for 15-22/hr (only was offered 15/hr regardless of my 10+ years of experience)

I posted about this earlier in the week. I got SWAMPED with interviews y’all. Those Edits on the original post aren’t even close to accurate anymore, but I stopped updating because I was scheduling interviews like a madwoman. I’ve never been able to get so many cook interviews scheduled within a week EVER. The job market is super duper hot right now at the service industry level, at least where I’m at in the Midwest US. I ended up finally accepting an assistant kitchen manager position for 21/hr, full time with benefits and actual PTO. I walked away from 3 total interviews before I got to this one. None of the other interviewers would start me out at more than 17 (even at a restaurant that serves grass-fed waygu burgers for $24 each!), I got the answer “we are starting everyone at X wage regardless of experience”. I just couldn’t…

I posted about this earlier in the week.

I got SWAMPED with interviews y’all. Those Edits on the original post aren’t even close to accurate anymore, but I stopped updating because I was scheduling interviews like a madwoman. I’ve never been able to get so many cook interviews scheduled within a week EVER. The job market is super duper hot right now at the service industry level, at least where I’m at in the Midwest US.

I ended up finally accepting an assistant kitchen manager position for 21/hr, full time with benefits and actual PTO. I walked away from 3 total interviews before I got to this one. None of the other interviewers would start me out at more than 17 (even at a restaurant that serves grass-fed waygu burgers for $24 each!), I got the answer “we are starting everyone at X wage regardless of experience”.

I just couldn’t accept that low of an hourly wage so I started turning my attention to applying to leadership roles, and marketing myself as management potential.

Finally, by my 4th interview, I ended up being able to turn a cook interview into an assistant kitchen manager interview and accepted a job offer for 21/hr full time with accrued PTO and benefits. It’s at a company that had good worker reviews elsewhere and I vibed really well with the management team so I am excited to finally step into full service kitchen management!

Do not settle, my fellow service industry workers, especially if you have experience under your belt. Know your worth! Remember, they need you more than you need them.

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