
Previous toxic work environments have destroyed my ability to function at my current job

So I've been through the wringer with toxic work environments bosses ignoring the AWDA etc. I work at a marina now and my boss is very understanding which I am thankful for. The problem comes down to paranoia I've had to call out alot because of number of things sunsickness leading to high fevers, throwing out my back, car breaking down, and having to drive my mom to the er every time I callout I feel so bad to the point of panic attack over loosing my job. Even when I'm at work I STILL feel like I'll be fired over not working hard enough taking bathroom breaks or looking at my cellphone, mind you my boss has yet to reprimand me and is understanding over my callouts and has given me no intention of firing me. Is there anyway I can do anything to stop feeling this way? Do…

So I've been through the wringer with toxic work environments bosses ignoring the AWDA etc. I work at a marina now and my boss is very understanding which I am thankful for.

The problem comes down to paranoia I've had to call out alot because of number of things sunsickness leading to high fevers, throwing out my back, car breaking down, and having to drive my mom to the er every time I callout I feel so bad to the point of panic attack over loosing my job. Even when I'm at work I STILL feel like I'll be fired over not working hard enough taking bathroom breaks or looking at my cellphone, mind you my boss has yet to reprimand me and is understanding over my callouts and has given me no intention of firing me. Is there anyway I can do anything to stop feeling this way? Do I bring this up with my boss?

Tldr: shitty jobs have made me incapable of feeling good at my healthy job and I'm going insane

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