
Reddit gained popularity through free labor (unpaid mods), user-generated content, and third-party apps/extensions. However, the CEO now aims to exclude those responsible for its success. REDDIT should compensate third-party apps and MODS instead.

The CEO of Reddit is exploiting people by attempting to exclude the very individuals and elements that have contributed to the platform's popularity. Reddit owes a large part of its success to the unpaid labor of moderators who tirelessly manage and curate the communities within the platform. These dedicated individuals invest their time and effort to maintain the quality and integrity of Reddit, without any financial compensation. Additionally, a significant portion of Reddit's content is generated by its users, who share their ideas, stories, and creations, making the platform vibrant and engaging. Furthermore, the CEO's desire to sideline third-party apps and extensions that enhance the user experience indicates a disregard for the valuable contributions of developers who have enriched Reddit's functionality. By undervaluing and potentially excluding these contributors, the CEO is essentially capitalizing on the work of others without appropriately acknowledging or compensating them. Instead of imposing exorbitant fees on…

The CEO of Reddit is exploiting people by attempting to exclude the very individuals and elements that have contributed to the platform's popularity. Reddit owes a large part of its success to the unpaid labor of moderators who tirelessly manage and curate the communities within the platform. These dedicated individuals invest their time and effort to maintain the quality and integrity of Reddit, without any financial compensation. Additionally, a significant portion of Reddit's content is generated by its users, who share their ideas, stories, and creations, making the platform vibrant and engaging. Furthermore, the CEO's desire to sideline third-party apps and extensions that enhance the user experience indicates a disregard for the valuable contributions of developers who have enriched Reddit's functionality. By undervaluing and potentially excluding these contributors, the CEO is essentially capitalizing on the work of others without appropriately acknowledging or compensating them.

Instead of imposing exorbitant fees on third-party apps to access their API, Reddit should be considering a more fair and just approach by compensating these apps instead. These third-party applications, such as Reddit Sync, RIF, Apollo, and RES, have greatly enhanced the user experience and functionality of Reddit, attracting a larger user base and driving engagement. Rather than stifling their contributions with financial demands, Reddit should recognize their value and invest in supporting these developers who have played a vital role in making the platform thrive. Similarly, the unpaid moderators, who invest countless hours in maintaining the quality of communities on Reddit, should be duly compensated for their efforts.

The CEO plans to remove all those who have contributed significantly to the popularity of this website and falsely present themselves as having achieved everything independently during the future IPO.

This is straight up some Scrooge McDuck shamanigans.

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