
Today I accidentally gave 200$+ of beer and I feel awful.

I work for a small family brewery. I was asked to run the farmers market about a week ago because the normally employee who does it was needed else where. I agreed and was asked to do a double shift. 7am-1:30pm 5pm- 11pm Still agreed. Lug all the supplies to the farmers market in my own vehicle because I was not approved for the company van due to it being last minute. I was also never trained on what to do. I had coworkers that use to do the market years ago attempt to show me. Long story short we use wireless card readers. Coworker told me that they would work offline and the transactions would process after reconnecting. So at the market I follow the steps charge customers the amount they swipe there card, it tells me to hit approve transaction beeps like its good to go and takes…

I work for a small family brewery. I was asked to run the farmers market about a week ago because the normally employee who does it was needed else where. I agreed and was asked to do a double shift.

5pm- 11pm

Still agreed. Lug all the supplies to the farmers market in my own vehicle because I was not approved for the company van due to it being last minute. I was also never trained on what to do. I had coworkers that use to do the market years ago attempt to show me.

Long story short we use wireless card readers. Coworker told me that they would work offline and the transactions would process after reconnecting. So at the market I follow the steps charge customers the amount they swipe there card, it tells me to hit approve transaction beeps like its good to go and takes me back to the sales screen.

Well apparently this card reader was not set up for offline pay but our main one for inside the brewery was so all the transactions I thought processed did not. So about 200 or more in free beer was given away. I feel awful and stupid. I did notice a recipt did not print but it does not always do so. And I thought it was weird the way it has me ” approve transaction” but I just feel so dumb like it's my fault.

My manager has yet to say anything about this. I would have also used my personal phones Hotspot but thought offline payments would work and I only have 1G of data on my Hotspot.

It also sucks because the extra tip money I got from customers is also gone not much maybe 40-50$

This whole situation sucks I know it's not entirely my fault but I feel awful and stupid.

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