
Required Lunches (Legal Question)

Is it legal for my boss to force me to stay for a 30 minute lunch every time I clock out even 1 minute past the 12 hour mark (even if it's not my fault and reports takes longer than expected)? For reference I live in California. Recently I've been told by my boss that it is required of me to have to take a second lunch due to California law requiring 2 separate lunches after 12 hours worked. I find this unfair and quite frankly uncalled for as I am placed into a position where I have to take additional time out of my day to subsidize my company's inability to properly handle staffing. Although this additional 30 minute lunch is paid, it doesnt negate the fact i have priorities to attend to immediately after work as well as getting enough sleep for my second job. Having to take…

Is it legal for my boss to force me to stay for a 30 minute lunch every time I clock out even 1 minute past the 12 hour mark (even if it's not my fault and reports takes longer than expected)? For reference I live in California. Recently I've been told by my boss that it is required of me to have to take a second lunch due to California law requiring 2 separate lunches after 12 hours worked. I find this unfair and quite frankly uncalled for as I am placed into a position where I have to take additional time out of my day to subsidize my company's inability to properly handle staffing. Although this additional 30 minute lunch is paid, it doesnt negate the fact i have priorities to attend to immediately after work as well as getting enough sleep for my second job. Having to take a second break to simply finish an additional 5-10 minutes worth of work or more commonly wait for shift relief from other co-workers is extremely impractical and calls to question if it's actually even necessary to have to stay an additional 30 minutes at work when I could've gone home 30 minutes ago on time had my other co-workers arrived to relieve my shift. Is there anything I can do in this situation?

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