
Hard work rarely pays off

Feeling frustrated today and looking perspective. We moved to a 90% is doing great model in terms of bonus and performance structure. I’m fine with it and don’t really need the 5-10% extra as it literally isn’t a tank of gas for me. Met today for a performance review and after producing top tier quality work in 2 weeks that would easily cost a bespoke company 12k per video (x7) and producing a blended solution with animated characters, bespoke animations, and real-interviews; the only thing that people remember was an issue from a junior teammate who forgot to press a button on a project I never even touched. Frustrating to feel like I killed myself for 2 months to make conference worthy innovations and all that is talked about is somebody moving too fast and forgetting to set something private. The content in question was secure and there were no…

Feeling frustrated today and looking perspective. We moved to a 90% is doing great model in terms of bonus and performance structure. I’m fine with it and don’t really need the 5-10% extra as it literally isn’t a tank of gas for me.

Met today for a performance review and after producing top tier quality work in 2 weeks that would easily cost a bespoke company 12k per video (x7) and producing a blended solution with animated characters, bespoke animations, and real-interviews; the only thing that people remember was an issue from a junior teammate who forgot to press a button on a project I never even touched.

Frustrating to feel like I killed myself for 2 months to make conference worthy innovations and all that is talked about is somebody moving too fast and forgetting to set something private. The content in question was secure and there were no leaks but it could have leaked causing this big problem.

Now I’m just simmering in hot water after sacrificing 70 hours a week go get crap done on a compressed timeline.

Never again.

Next time should I just tell them that I have bandwidth for 1-2x projects and then let them outsource the rest to the vendor if they want it rushed?

I feel like I’m taking a lot of heat for this and I worked insane hours to make a deadline that couldn’t be pushed back and was incredibly unrealistic, despite me telling them it is an insane request.

Add in their request to have us back in office (4 hour commute for me daily) X times per week and I’m feeling pretty done.

We are having another (and final) baby so I’m stuck and can’t leave until after paternity leave is used up.

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