
Since getting fired from my job I have lost all confidence in myself and I am scared I will never regain it back

I am a 26 year old woman living in the UK and I got fired earlier this year from my first serious job since graduating university. All my life I have been naturally confident and socialable person but since getting fired I have lost all confidence in myself. Everyone around me is doing better than me and here is me who cant hold a job. I feel like the world's biggest loser messing up, living with my mother and failing to have it together. I feel so alone. I worked for a large housing corporation doing casework and the work was extremely challenging, the clients base we had were vunlerable people with a lot of problems in their lives and others were just unpleasant people to work with. So much kept going wrong. ●I struggled to fit in with my colleagues. Majority of my colleagues were older people who were…

I am a 26 year old woman living in the UK and I got fired earlier this year from my first serious job since graduating university. All my life I have been naturally confident and socialable person but since getting fired I have lost all confidence in myself. Everyone around me is doing better than me and here is me who cant hold a job. I feel like the world's biggest loser messing up, living with my mother and failing to have it together. I feel so alone.

I worked for a large housing corporation doing casework and the work was extremely challenging, the clients base we had were vunlerable people with a lot of problems in their lives and others were just unpleasant people to work with.

So much kept going wrong.

●I struggled to fit in with my colleagues. Majority of my colleagues were older people who were married with kids or had serious relationships whereas I am single and the youngest employee in the department. All the time I felt so out of place, particularly during the regular Microsoft Teams meetings. My work colleagues would be talking about the football match they watched over the weekend, including the woman colleagues I worked with whereas I am not into football really. I like to travel, vist museums and watching movies in 4D.

• I ended up getting a reputation for being a trouble maker due to my naturally outspoken personality which made me stand out from the quiet workplace crowd. I got labelled a workplace trouble maker for criticising an extremely difficult unpleasant client for their unfair behaviour and demands she made me do during a case i worked on. My brutal honesty shocked the senior management, entire department and the client too. I took full responsibility for my actions and learnt from my mistakes but the management never let it go even after the incident got resolved

• I befriended an older woman work colleague who I trusted and she was gossiping about me to other people at work. I was so horrified because her kids are the same age as me. I always so good to her at work and gave her assistance with her work when she needed it. I spent my final days at work being so humiliated. Being humiliated by older work colleagues who should know better than to be playing these games has been disappointing.

• My boss even said I brought “nothing but problems” to the department since my arrival. eventually it publicly came out in local media a couple of months later after getting fired, my boss was not running the department properly and just took out his frustrations out on me because he knew it was going to come out publicly the bad practices going on where I worked. My boss was just so cruel towards me during my final days at work. My boss lost his job eventually.

Since getting fired I feel like I am not good enough to do anything else.

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