
No, I’m not just sitting here waiting on a hand out. Most of us are forced to work deadend jobs! I’m sick of explaining my story and those who don’t face this try to find fault in me, I was discriminated against! I did my job, honestly!

During my time off, Im working tirelessly to find work with hurdles such as transportation (No bus service near me), no places in walking distance except for the restaurant I worked at and was teased, snickered about and at the end was fired for being LGBTQ. I won't go into being the only poc there because that's a entire different story. My goal was to save enough for a car then save for a business of my own. There truly are some of us who bust our butts on jobs, have no family support and when you're fired without warning unfairly. Thank goodness I didn't let her know I have autism because she probably would have made fun of that too. Everyone says to get a job, duhhhh I've been trying and missed one interview because I had no way there. The assistance community on this site is a joke.…

During my time off, Im working tirelessly to find work with hurdles such as transportation (No bus service near me), no places in walking distance except for the restaurant I worked at and was teased, snickered about and at the end was fired for being LGBTQ. I won't go into being the only poc there because that's a entire different story. My goal was to save enough for a car then save for a business of my own.

There truly are some of us who bust our butts on jobs, have no family support and when you're fired without warning unfairly. Thank goodness I didn't let her know I have autism because she probably would have made fun of that too.

Everyone says to get a job, duhhhh I've been trying and missed one interview because I had no way there. The assistance community on this site is a joke. Made one mistake and the mod won't even let me make a post to get help getting to my new interview!

What I gotta do to get a hand up? I've lost my uterus ultimately giving up the chance to be a mother simply because I couldn't afford it. Growing up in poverty with no support is why so many of childhood friends chose the streets. I can't lie, it has really crossed my mind because Im nearly forced to do so.

Washing laundry with dawn dish soap and then running out of dish soap is my everyday life now! Yea churchs and food pantries help, but they don't aid in getting to & from stable employment. Another dead end!

So what's next? After major surgery, healing up I jumped straight back into the work industry and Im already fed up with it.

How will I ever save enough to open my own business if I can't even get a job.

Stop saying people are lazy! I'm trying so hard to get out of this mess I'm in that I truly don't deserve! Dang, wont anyone give me a chance. This seems like a revolving struggle & I'm fed up!

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