
promised 5k raise & now HR is turning around and saying I don’t qualify

It's so stupid and frustrating. I'm moving up in my position. More job responsibilities, etc. When I looked at my pay the other day, it was incorrect to what I had been promised. I emailed HR thinking they just missed a day of pay but boy was I wrong. Apparently I don't “qualify” to move up despite my manager promising during my review that I will be getting a 5k raise. They cited a few things and were super snarky and rude about it? Basically saying I wasn't in the role long enough. I've been at this job for years. They also had “no records” to indicate that I was getting a raise, and my manager is out of town for the next few days so they can't confirm for me. Now I come to find out my coworker with the exact same job functions and also moving up to…

It's so stupid and frustrating. I'm moving up in my position. More job responsibilities, etc. When I looked at my pay the other day, it was incorrect to what I had been promised. I emailed HR thinking they just missed a day of pay but boy was I wrong.

Apparently I don't “qualify” to move up despite my manager promising during my review that I will be getting a 5k raise. They cited a few things and were super snarky and rude about it? Basically saying I wasn't in the role long enough. I've been at this job for years. They also had “no records” to indicate that I was getting a raise, and my manager is out of town for the next few days so they can't confirm for me.

Now I come to find out my coworker with the exact same job functions and also moving up to the same level as me and will be getting 7k raise. Another insult to injury considering we're going to be doing the SAME thing.

Just frustrated. Not to toot my own horn but I'm hard working, and this job can be grueling. I felt the least I deserved was a raise and my manager felt the same but HR begs to differ. I'm basically fighting for $50-$100 dollars extra per paycheck, which would help a LOT for me but really doesn't seem like a crazy thing for a huge corporation to provide me when the ceos/directors are making SO. MUCH.

Hopefully, this can get this sorted and I get retroactive pay for the money I'm missing. I'm also going to argue that I get paid the same as my coworker. Wish me luck….

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