
Thanks for this board

I just want to express thanks for this board and all the users on it. You all really help me keep perspective on and appreciate my job with my current company. Sometimes I have little complaints and gripes, and sometimes I look and see how people in my position at other companies might be making more. But then I read the posts here and realize my gripes are pretty minimal compared to others and that maybe money isn’t the most important thing. I enjoy my work, I have a boss that treats me well, the company itself seems to be run by some very nice people, etc. Even though more money would help, I don’t think this is an environment I’d want to lose, especially at the risk of ending up with the type of bosses or coworkers a lot of you have. Am I saying I’ll never leave? If…

I just want to express thanks for this board and all the users on it. You all really help me keep perspective on and appreciate my job with my current company. Sometimes I have little complaints and gripes, and sometimes I look and see how people in my position at other companies might be making more. But then I read the posts here and realize my gripes are pretty minimal compared to others and that maybe money isn’t the most important thing. I enjoy my work, I have a boss that treats me well, the company itself seems to be run by some very nice people, etc. Even though more money would help, I don’t think this is an environment I’d want to lose, especially at the risk of ending up with the type of bosses or coworkers a lot of you have. Am I saying I’ll never leave? If the right opportunity came along I might. But I definitely don’t feel a need to go looking right now. I know this isn’t a real “anti work” post in itself, but I think it’s important for you all to know that this board does much more than just providing people a place to vent. My thoughts and best wishes are with you all.

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