
*sigh* Looking for part-time retail work again.

While I can't say that I'm in a bad place financially, I'm certainly not getting ahead either. Paydays always seem a little too far out. Since I don't go out (who can afford to?), I've applied for two fast food restaurants and a convenience store: I just want to have a little money left in my bank account so I'm not worried that those for whom I'm responsible don't go without. That's all I've got. Just another working stiff casting another vote in the “hooray for capitalism” bin.

While I can't say that I'm in a bad place financially, I'm certainly not getting ahead either. Paydays always seem a little too far out. Since I don't go out (who can afford to?), I've applied for two fast food restaurants and a convenience store: I just want to have a little money left in my bank account so I'm not worried that those for whom I'm responsible don't go without.

That's all I've got. Just another working stiff casting another vote in the “hooray for capitalism” bin.

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