
I’m losing my mind because of my job and finances

Every day I wake up, I think about how much I hate my job, my debt, the things I need to buy but can't afford. I'm really depressed and it's all because my job and low salary. This month I had a small injury, so I couldn't work for almost 2 weeks. This means I won't get my “performance bonus”, which is 20% of my salary. Combined with lower pay, I don't know how I'll be able to pay rent, let alone groceries… We wanted to buy portable AC but I told my GF I can't afford it… She just said 'when will this end'… That really broke my heart And what's worse is that I'm told that it is my fault that I'm not prospering. It's my fault because I'm playing games and watching movies instead of spending all my free time learning how to code. It's my fault…

Every day I wake up, I think about how much I hate my job, my debt, the things I need to buy but can't afford. I'm really depressed and it's all because my job and low salary.

This month I had a small injury, so I couldn't work for almost 2 weeks. This means I won't get my “performance bonus”, which is 20% of my salary. Combined with lower pay, I don't know how I'll be able to pay rent, let alone groceries… We wanted to buy portable AC but I told my GF I can't afford it… She just said 'when will this end'… That really broke my heart

And what's worse is that I'm told that it is my fault that I'm not prospering. It's my fault because I'm playing games and watching movies instead of spending all my free time learning how to code. It's my fault because I sleep too much. It's my fault because I don't 100% optimize my grocery budget. It's my fault because I don't have second/third job. It's my fault because I don't pursue an unpaid internship. It's my fault because I don't know what career I want to pursue.

When I was in elementary school, our class was about to go on a skiing trip, but I was the only one who didn't go, because my family couldn't afford it. Do you know what the school principal told me? That I'm just lazy.

Capitalism is destroying my life and when I complain about it, people tell me “just suck it up and stop crying”. Seriously, most people are just one bad week away from being homeless and everyone just thinks this system we live in is OK?

I'm only 26 and I'm already sick and tired of this. What do I have to show for all the hours worked? Absolutely nothing except depression, sleep problems and anxiety. I can't even begin to imagine having to do this for the next 40+ years

What is event the point of living like this? Why do we have to spend 8hrs + commute doing something we hate 5 days a week for 50 years? I hate being coerced into doing this under the risk of homelessness and starvation. There is no point to life and it's all because my job. Having a house? Retiring? Forget it. Maybe if I minmax the little money I have left at the end of the month, MAYBE I can go on a vacation. You can't budget your way out of poverty…

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