
Titanic vessel news

Wall to wall , top headline news intricately described and fed to us because BILLIONAIRE tourists died on this expensive expedition . Every other week we here of many (migrant) PEOPLE dying trying to cross the waters for a better life but it’s only small non story like attention. I didn’t know where to post this but, when one of them die it’s a tragedy but when poor people die it’s an every day occurrence. May they RIP like all the souls who depart this earth.

Wall to wall , top headline news intricately described and fed to us because BILLIONAIRE tourists died on this expensive expedition .
Every other week we here of many (migrant) PEOPLE dying trying to cross the waters for a better life but it’s only small non story like attention.
I didn’t know where to post this but, when one of them die it’s a tragedy but when poor people die it’s an every day occurrence.
May they RIP like all the souls who depart this earth.

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