
I was recently scolded for taking 9 days off in nine months even though I’m getting my work done in under the expected time allotted.

I hope I worded that so it's understandable. So my direct manager was very nice and pushed for me to get a raise. His boss caved and agreed to give me one but made my manager lecture me about how much time I've been taking off. (Also they call them unapproved absences which is so insulting it's like we are children) He then admitted that I'm getting my work done in under the time they expect it too be done (even with all the days I have been out). So in other words upper management is more concerned about the days I take off than the fact that I'm very efficient. I feel like most humans would be happy to have an efficient employee. Especially one who's basically been doing the work of two people since COVID. They claim I could have gotten a bigger raise but it was the…

I hope I worded that so it's understandable. So my direct manager was very nice and pushed for me to get a raise. His boss caved and agreed to give me one but made my manager lecture me about how much time I've been taking off. (Also they call them unapproved absences which is so insulting it's like we are children) He then admitted that I'm getting my work done in under the time they expect it too be done (even with all the days I have been out).

So in other words upper management is more concerned about the days I take off than the fact that I'm very efficient. I feel like most humans would be happy to have an efficient employee. Especially one who's basically been doing the work of two people since COVID. They claim I could have gotten a bigger raise but it was the standard raise I've been getting for the last 6 years give or take. I really doubt they would have given me more. They just wanted a reason not too. I've been with the company for a decade this month and still being treated like it's my first year.

Side note. The biggest reason I have taken this time off is mostly because of the death of my mother. She was out go to babysitter when one of the kids had a Minor illness and couldn't go to school. It's also effected my mental health. I've suffered from anxiety and depression in the past and with her death it's reignited it. There's been a few days I just need a day off or well I just don't want to be here anymore. I am getting help. But sometimes I just needed a day off for my mental health. And as far as I'm concerned it's none of my companys business.

I'll probably find a new job somewhere soon but with a family and what feels like a coming rescission I just need to be careful. The job itself day to day is not bad and the benefits are actually ok for a private business.

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