
no one will hire me unless i’m available M-S 24/7

i’ve been working as a private nanny for my sister since covid when i lost my child care and waitressing jobs. now that the kids are starting school i’m only working two days a week and have been applying to jobs for months with no luck yesterday i got another rejection email despite my availability being MWFSS any time. my mom who works for a grocery store told me that companies want employees to make the company their “number 1 priority”. no other jobs. no flexibility even for a second job or college classes. so i’m fucked unless i give up the one thing keeping me from homelessness? how is that legal??

i’ve been working as a private nanny for my sister since covid when i lost my child care and waitressing jobs.

now that the kids are starting school i’m only working two days a week and have been applying to jobs for months with no luck

yesterday i got another rejection email despite my availability being MWFSS any time.

my mom who works for a grocery store told me that companies want employees to make the company their “number 1 priority”. no other jobs. no flexibility even for a second job or college classes.

so i’m fucked unless i give up the one thing keeping me from homelessness? how is that legal??

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