
My new job is shutting down

I recently started working at the prize counter at an arcade, and it’s probably my favorite job I’ve ever had. I had very few responsibilities. There were barely any customers, and all my coworkers were so nice and easygoing. Probably the best thing about it though was that I earned $15/hr which was miles above anything that I had earned before, and with disproportionately less work that what I had to do before. If this seems like it’s too good to be true, it turns out it was because a couple days ago we had a meeting where they said the store wasn’t making enough money and the owners decided to shut it down. I’m crestfallen over this because I was really lucky to find this job. It showed me how good a job could be, and now I’ve learned that it’s the exception to the norm and not the…

I recently started working at the prize counter at an arcade, and it’s probably my favorite job I’ve ever had. I had very few responsibilities. There were barely any customers, and all my coworkers were so nice and easygoing. Probably the best thing about it though was that I earned $15/hr which was miles above anything that I had earned before, and with disproportionately less work that what I had to do before. If this seems like it’s too good to be true, it turns out it was because a couple days ago we had a meeting where they said the store wasn’t making enough money and the owners decided to shut it down.

I’m crestfallen over this because I was really lucky to find this job. It showed me how good a job could be, and now I’ve learned that it’s the exception to the norm and not the norm itself. It’ll probably be a long time before I find a job this good again.

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