
Dominoes playing games. Gonna find out stupid games win stupid prizes.

My wife drives for dominoes. A few months ago some young people in an apartment thought it would be funny to write “Fuck you” on the tip line of a receipt. My wife was very upset by this because they could’ve just wrote 0 if they didn’t want to tip. When the then manager finds out she blacklist the person who did it. Well that person got all pissy saying that my wife must’ve wrote it to get her in trouble on purpose for not tipping. Most people stiff their drivers, if they were malicious against everyone who didn’t there wouldn’t be anyone left to order pizza in no time. It’s complete bullshit. Well that person then calls corporate to complain and the now manager who is different tells my wife that since that person called corporate and escalated it so much that my wife MUST be lying and they…

My wife drives for dominoes. A few months ago some young people in an apartment thought it would be funny to write “Fuck you” on the tip line of a receipt. My wife was very upset by this because they could’ve just wrote 0 if they didn’t want to tip. When the then manager finds out she blacklist the person who did it. Well that person got all pissy saying that my wife must’ve wrote it to get her in trouble on purpose for not tipping. Most people stiff their drivers, if they were malicious against everyone who didn’t there wouldn’t be anyone left to order pizza in no time. It’s complete bullshit. Well that person then calls corporate to complain and the now manager who is different tells my wife that since that person called corporate and escalated it so much that my wife MUST be lying and they took one of her work days away from her to punish her. This is malicious bullshit against my wife because she’s a delivery driver and that person is against tipping culture. There’s a huge push back against tipping right now which is fine, just don’t tip. But don’t make my wife lose hours over your bullshit that you got caught with.

This is after she’s been written up twice recently now other people’s crap. One of those she took a late order call before close and her manager told her to tell them that they are closed. Well the big boss heard about that and guess who gets punished, my wife instead of her manager who makes the decisions. And then another girl who seems to be gunning for her hours and works there called the store and my wife answered and then she tells her boss that my wife was super rude on the phone and that shouldn’t be how it is to customers. When first my wife is a gentle, shy, introvert who wouldn’t be rude on the phone and second it’s not like the girl was being a customer either it was another coworker who was calling so either way no customer was rude to even if my wife was rude on the phone to begin with.

So now im gonna bash this place at every chance I get. They wanna fuck with my wife and my family for nothing than there will be repercussions in form of horrible ass word of mouth. Can’t do much otherwise but im gonna put it out there as much as I can.

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