
Attendance policy bull

So for starters, I am a HS student (18) and am working a part time job, so I'm not very concerned about this ruining my life, but I wanted to see what some of you guys have to say about the situation. So I work a 15.00/hour restaurant job where they have a very strict attendance policy, and I am now one sick day away from being fired. A few months ago I submitted a request for about three weeks unpaid off to go on a family trip. This request was approved by my general manager (let's call them Not Nice Manager, or NNM for short). NNM had approved it so I thought that was that. A few weeks before I left on my trip I noticed that I had been scheduled to work during my ATO by NNM. I had no shifts with them so I emailed them about…

So for starters, I am a HS student (18) and am working a part time job, so I'm not very concerned about this ruining my life, but I wanted to see what some of you guys have to say about the situation.

So I work a 15.00/hour restaurant job where they have a very strict attendance policy, and I am now one sick day away from being fired.

A few months ago I submitted a request for about three weeks unpaid off to go on a family trip. This request was approved by my general manager (let's call them Not Nice Manager, or NNM for short). NNM had approved it so I thought that was that. A few weeks before I left on my trip I noticed that I had been scheduled to work during my ATO by NNM. I had no shifts with them so I emailed them about it, assuming it was a mistake. I got no response, waited a few days, called when I knew they were working, emailed again, and waited before texting with the prefix (urgent – scheduling) as it was a few days before I had to leave.
Keep in mind through this time I had been trying to find replacements for the shift but nothing turned up.

After no response from my manager, I left on my trip and called two hours before the start of my shift and reached a different manager (one tier below NNM) Nice Manager listened to my situation and empathized so I figured I was fine. A day later I got a call from NNM informing my that my attendance was in the red zone and I couldn't afford to miss another shift or even be late. When I tried to ask about the lack of communication on their end NNM said they 'didbt always have time to look at their phone and I should have emailed them'.

Later that week I got many texts asking for coverage from NNM and even several calls until I blocked the numbers used.

I plan on talking with HR and putting in my notice.

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