
feeling bad for calling out

does anyone else experience feeling bad or guilty or anxious for calling out of a shift? How do others deal with it? I feel like we have been trained as a society and by authority figures to feel bad or scared for calling out of work, even starting as early as elementary with being praised for having perfect attendance, because we’re taught that people who call out are ‘being lazy’. For context, I just got back from an overseas trip and my flights were really delayed coming back into my city, causing my plan for an adequate recovery to adjust for fatigue and jet lag before work to be thrown away. So I figured I would just call in for one day, I’m just experiencing feeling like I am being ‘lazy’ and maybe I should just ‘force myself’ to go.

does anyone else experience feeling bad or guilty or anxious for calling out of a shift? How do others deal with it? I feel like we have been trained as a society and by authority figures to feel bad or scared for calling out of work, even starting as early as elementary with being praised for having perfect attendance, because we’re taught that people who call out are ‘being lazy’. For context, I just got back from an overseas trip and my flights were really delayed coming back into my city, causing my plan for an adequate recovery to adjust for fatigue and jet lag before work to be thrown away. So I figured I would just call in for one day, I’m just experiencing feeling like I am being ‘lazy’ and maybe I should just ‘force myself’ to go.

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