
Service workers should be thanked the same amount as veterans.

This might be a hot take, but if people that work in the service industry are considered the backbone of the economy, shouldn’t they be appreciated a bit more? They have to deal with karens, low pay, terrible management, the list goes on. On some days they literally have to fight belligerent customers that get aggressive (I’m sure some of you have seen the videos I’m referencing). Sure, you aren’t risking life and limb to defend your country, but if you are going home at the end of the day feeling drained and or suicidal, then I think they deserve more respect and better benefits to make such a dreary job actually worth it. 🫡

This might be a hot take, but if people that work in the service industry are considered the backbone of the economy, shouldn’t they be appreciated a bit more? They have to deal with karens, low pay, terrible management, the list goes on. On some days they literally have to fight belligerent customers that get aggressive (I’m sure some of you have seen the videos I’m referencing). Sure, you aren’t risking life and limb to defend your country, but if you are going home at the end of the day feeling drained and or suicidal, then I think they deserve more respect and better benefits to make such a dreary job actually worth it. 🫡

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