
manager coming in sick

venting here. This manager at my job usually works from home, we see him in the office maybe twice a week. For the past 2 weeks he has been coming in every day and coughing the entire time, says he can’t smell anything. Also participated in the company outing while coughing the whole time. Someone brought up the fact that it might be covid and maybe he should work from home until he gets better. To which he said “well I don’t want to get my family sick” ….. So you’d rather get us sick instead??? 6 different people are now out with covid. What a joke

venting here. This manager at my job usually works from home, we see him in the office maybe twice a week. For the past 2 weeks he has been coming in every day and coughing the entire time, says he can’t smell anything. Also participated in the company outing while coughing the whole time. Someone brought up the fact that it might be covid and maybe he should work from home until he gets better. To which he said “well I don’t want to get my family sick” ….. So you’d rather get us sick instead??? 6 different people are now out with covid. What a joke

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