
Just got hired full time for the company to cut hours and force me to travel by car to get 40 hrs

I’m just frustrated and needed to vent. It really irks me my only options were ‘stick with less than 40 hrs or travel 20+ minutes to help a different store and get 40 hrs’. Oh, and this happened during my 45 day review. So I’ve only been with the company 45 days before they decided to fuck my pay and force me to help out another store 20 mins away. My job is less than a 5 minute drive away from my house. When I switched to this job, the pay was the same but I’d be traveling less, I’d get a (dogshit percentage) commission of my sales, and I’d actually be doing a job my whole shift. (It was an issue I had at my old job). There’s also a quick and easy path to more pay as long as I show I’m a competent person. So the pros…

I’m just frustrated and needed to vent. It really irks me my only options were ‘stick with less than 40 hrs or travel 20+ minutes to help a different store and get 40 hrs’. Oh, and this happened during my 45 day review. So I’ve only been with the company 45 days before they decided to fuck my pay and force me to help out another store 20 mins away.

My job is less than a 5 minute drive away from my house. When I switched to this job, the pay was the same but I’d be traveling less, I’d get a (dogshit percentage) commission of my sales, and I’d actually be doing a job my whole shift. (It was an issue I had at my old job). There’s also a quick and easy path to more pay as long as I show I’m a competent person. So the pros outweighed the cons.

But not really if they think it’s fair to give me this type of decision and then pretend like I have some type of autonomy over what I decide. I’m just choosing between barley scraping by and not scraping by at all.

Why the hell do they think it’s okay to just cut hours in a fucking time like this? Genuinely, there’s no way my company isn’t making millions, billions even. We’re one of the biggest auto part franchises out there and they have to cut hours for the grunts working the front counter? WE DONT EVEN HAVE ENOUGH GRUNTS TO WORK THE FRONT COUNTER FOR EVERY STORE IN THE AREA???? It just doesn’t make sense and never will.

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