
How does salary pay work in Kansas?

Hopefully I am asking this question properly. I was just put on salary as of the 1st of June. Been working crazy long days, around 12 hours. I took three days off this last pay period and still had 90 hours within the two week pay period. Boss says that because I took three days off, even though I am over 40 hours on each work week, that I am not entitled to full salaries paycheck and I only can receive a portion of that. Is this legal? How does this even work? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I am new to all this. Thank you for any input you all have

Hopefully I am asking this question properly. I was just put on salary as of the 1st of June. Been working crazy long days, around 12 hours. I took three days off this last pay period and still had 90 hours within the two week pay period. Boss says that because I took three days off, even though I am over 40 hours on each work week, that I am not entitled to full salaries paycheck and I only can receive a portion of that. Is this legal? How does this even work? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I am new to all this. Thank you for any input you all have

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