
I don’t check my work emails on phone

Hi, to give this more context we were given work phones. We have to log on and log off at the end of each shift. I do this in work so don't use the phone all that much. I was on annual leave for 11 days and when I came back to work my manager was mad at me for not checking my emails. I told him I was on annual leave and it was well flagged in advance. He said I should be checking my work phone. I had my auto out of office on and he had my phone number. I'm still not quite sure why he is so mad because after reading through 178 emails I don't see what the problem is. There was no issue with or urgent requests in the email. Did I make him mad by turning on auto out of office. Shrugs. Unsure…

Hi, to give this more context we were given work phones. We have to log on and log off at the end of each shift. I do this in work so don't use the phone all that much. I was on annual leave for 11 days and when I came back to work my manager was mad at me for not checking my emails. I told him I was on annual leave and it was well flagged in advance. He said I should be checking my work phone. I had my auto out of office on and he had my phone number. I'm still not quite sure why he is so mad because after reading through 178 emails I don't see what the problem is. There was no issue with or urgent requests in the email. Did I make him mad by turning on auto out of office. Shrugs. Unsure what to do next.

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