
Job fired me without warning

Let me start this off with two things. I'm 15, and autistic. This was also my first job. I was working at a kids camp where they paint stuff. I've never worked a job before so i have no clue what to do. i've also never worked with kids. this is the only job in my area that hires people my age. I got fired for 'being on my phone' i was texting my mom to see when she could pick me up after work. 'talking about inappropriate things with children' a child came up to me and started info-dumping about death and i didn't know how to shut that down. 'drawing on my sketchbook' no one told me there was more work to be done, so i just did my own thing. also its an ART CAMP i know i work there, but am i not allowed to draw…

Let me start this off with two things. I'm 15, and autistic. This was also my first job. I was working at a kids camp where they paint stuff. I've never worked a job before so i have no clue what to do. i've also never worked with kids. this is the only job in my area that hires people my age. I got fired for 'being on my phone' i was texting my mom to see when she could pick me up after work. 'talking about inappropriate things with children' a child came up to me and started info-dumping about death and i didn't know how to shut that down. 'drawing on my sketchbook' no one told me there was more work to be done, so i just did my own thing. also its an ART CAMP i know i work there, but am i not allowed to draw at all??? they never told me my tasks, they just expected me to know everything i had to do and to do it. ny coworker, anna, gave me a list on the third day, (the day they fired me) so i would know what to do with the kids. i followed the list to a T and was the best worker i could possibly be for my age and mental disposition (heavily autistic, medium functioning) they told me they were 'the nicest boss i would ever have' if this is the nicest boss i'll have; i never want to work ever again. they never gave me any warning that i was fired, just one 'hey can you get off your phone?' which i did immediately, and didn't touch for the rest of the day (even though i still had to figure out how i was getting home). i seriously hate working, and this was such a bad experience!!! i thought they would at least give me SOME redirection before literally FIRING me. can someone tell me if this is what all jobs are like? i seriously cannot tell if this is normal or not.

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