
So I am expecting my first child…

And I’m excited. The due date is approaching, and I can’t wait. I was talking to my job about paternity leave, which many others have received paid in the past. My conversation did not go well. I was offered 3 days of paid time off, and pretty much told that any time after that is not paid. I can’t afford a week or 2 off, especially with rising prices of things. My wife won’t be working for a while (obviously) so we are now a one income household. I have put in over a decade at this company, and now I feel like I hate the place because I’m having to choose between time with my first time and wife, or providing for them. Because of heath reasons, our hospital stay when she gives birth may be 3-4 days, so potentially my wife won’t even be out of the hospital…

And I’m excited. The due date is approaching, and I can’t wait. I was talking to my job about paternity leave, which many others have received paid in the past. My conversation did not go well. I was offered 3 days of paid time off, and pretty much told that any time after that is not paid. I can’t afford a week or 2 off, especially with rising prices of things. My wife won’t be working for a while (obviously) so we are now a one income household. I have put in over a decade at this company, and now I feel like I hate the place because I’m having to choose between time with my first time and wife, or providing for them. Because of heath reasons, our hospital stay when she gives birth may be 3-4 days, so potentially my wife won’t even be out of the hospital before I have to go back to work. I don’t have PTO to use, so pretty much I am screwed. I have made this MULTI BILLION DOLLAR company tons of profit by leading teams in record breaking years consecutively, yet I can’t have paid time to welcome my child into the world. I hate these corporations. I hate my work. They don’t care and we are nothing but pawns in their quest for more wealth!! Thank for listening to my rant.

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