
Americans, we gotta organize a general strike. We need to organize some type of mass protest throughout the country that the gov cannot ignore.

I know it’s not that easy. I know that everyone is one paycheck away from homelessness. But with the way this country is heading, I promise you, we’re all going to end up priced out of housing anyway. Inflation is only going to get worse. Housing, education, everything is only going to get worse. Billionaires own politicians on both sides. If conservatives keep winning & getting their way & democrats keep doing nothing about it, they might as well be their accomplices as far as I see it. Ik the responses I’m gonna get to this post—nobody can afford to strike or lose their healthcare. Yeah I can’t afford to lose everything either. I’m right there with you. But at this point I think we’re all SOL. Maybe we aren’t ready right now. I mean massive organization takes a long time to plan, so this would likely take place some…

I know it’s not that easy. I know that everyone is one paycheck away from homelessness. But with the way this country is heading, I promise you, we’re all going to end up priced out of housing anyway. Inflation is only going to get worse. Housing, education, everything is only going to get worse. Billionaires own politicians on both sides. If conservatives keep winning & getting their way & democrats keep doing nothing about it, they might as well be their accomplices as far as I see it. Ik the responses I’m gonna get to this post—nobody can afford to strike or lose their healthcare. Yeah I can’t afford to lose everything either. I’m right there with you. But at this point I think we’re all SOL. Maybe we aren’t ready right now. I mean massive organization takes a long time to plan, so this would likely take place some time in the years to come. Honestly I think the best time to strike would be starting on inauguration day for a new president because then they couldn’t delay taking action as a re-election campaign tactic. I mean they could but if we disrupted the economy enough that would look awful for them. Idk I’m just ranting at this point. I’m so angry at the state of this country & it’s becoming an increasingly worse place to live for everyone who isn’t in the 1%. I would go door to door organizing for a general strike or some type of mass protest if I could but I’m 1 person, I’m not a leader, and I have 0 connections. I just hope that the ppl in this country start taking this seriously & realize it’s never going to get better without ALL of us putting the work in.

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