
Fun little story to make y’all feel good.

My first job I stuck out for 4 years, fast food job. Very lucky to have breaks extremely busy, virtually no downtime. My last year working there a sweet old lady started. We’re gonna call her lyn. Lyn was in her mid 70s having to go back to work. She retired with a great package from some big box retailer she’d been working for, she said she worked there for 40 years. So she busted her ass, worked for a company and stayed loyal for decades. Great right? The American dream to work your ass off for a few decades and then get to retire. Now why was this 70+ year old woman lifting 30+ pound fry boxes 40 hours a week? 4 years into her retirement she had some form of cancer, not sure what kind but she had to go into chemo. It took 4 years for 40…

My first job I stuck out for 4 years, fast food job. Very lucky to have breaks extremely busy, virtually no downtime. My last year working there a sweet old lady started. We’re gonna call her lyn. Lyn was in her mid 70s having to go back to work. She retired with a great package from some big box retailer she’d been working for, she said she worked there for 40 years. So she busted her ass, worked for a company and stayed loyal for decades. Great right? The American dream to work your ass off for a few decades and then get to retire. Now why was this 70+ year old woman lifting 30+ pound fry boxes 40 hours a week? 4 years into her retirement she had some form of cancer, not sure what kind but she had to go into chemo. It took 4 years for 40 years of work to be completely gone, sold her house, moved in with her daughters, and they had to take the bus everywhere because they couldn’t afford car payments. The kicker, I quit there almost 5 years ago. I rarely go in at all just because I hate the memories, I went to get a burger and when I look to the back who’s still there? Lyn. 6 years of working there. I guess why I’m posting this is to show how just totally broken everything is. She did everything “right” but every system in place failed her in every way and this poor old woman who faced death, is going to spend her last few years working a fryer. Tired of hearing we aren’t trying blah blah, this is what we get to look forward to. what are our chances to have anything to look forward to when this is what's happening

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