
It’s so ridiculous how jobs bend over backwards to the customer even if they’re horrible

So I work at a pool that has been horribly micromanaging me. I have been told the way I have been saying things is “bad” (really it’s me saying “Hi this isn’t allowed” right away instead of “hi, how are you, I just want to let you know…”) and I “snatch” things (which before I always ask “can I see this” ) and the person may not doesn’t hear me because of ths . I’ve gotten talked to for… Grabbing the scooper incorrectly because they put chairs RIGHT by it and a mom and kid were there. I was trying to make sure that the kids weren’t getting hit but it was constantly my name being called and like “you’re gonna hit a child” Even though the scooper was brushing against the trees and I was being careful… WTF I have been constantly having trouble with my severe anxiety. Yet…

So I work at a pool that has been horribly micromanaging me. I have been told the way I have been saying things is “bad” (really it’s me saying “Hi this isn’t allowed” right away instead of “hi, how are you, I just want to let you know…”) and I “snatch” things (which before I always ask “can I see this” ) and the person may not doesn’t hear me because of ths . I’ve gotten talked to for… Grabbing the scooper incorrectly because they put chairs RIGHT by it and a mom and kid were there. I was trying to make sure that the kids weren’t getting hit but it was constantly my name being called and like “you’re gonna hit a child”

Even though the scooper was brushing against the trees and I was being careful… WTF

I have been constantly having trouble with my severe anxiety. Yet I get a backhanded “you’ve been working here HOW long?” Even when I’m trying to fix my mistakes the hardest I can. I’ve been taking deep breaths and trying not to be afraid to go up to people. I have. Not been just sitting there the last few years I’ve done this

Today, I had to deal with some residents bringing in an inflatable that was right around the baby’s neck I told them that it wasn’t allowed and they kept saying it was coast guard approved on the box (it was definitely not) and I asked them (maybe they couldn’t hear me)

And the mom told me not to touch it. And that I was ruining THEIR fun. Even though it’s definitely a faulty tube that doesn’t cost a thousand dollars.

This caused me to break down a little. I was trying to call front desk for help but they kept saying they were so busy. I called another time, they ignored me. (If we te having problems we’re told we should call them but they have been on and off ignoring me for days

Then a security guard and a coworker walk in and talk to them. I was wrong because I “snatched” it and then the coworker was like “why did you snatch it” I tried to explain and started to break down. She told me to go to the office. I go there, she tells me “I was supposed to be helping at front desk” (I was NEVER told that. Just to go to the office)

And they forced me out even if I was having a breakdown. She then called me and I cried saying I want to quit because I seem to never do anything right according to them. She just said, basically, that this is life and this’ll always happen at jobs. Which I know is BS cause there’s jobs that don’t involve this stupidity and passive aggressiveness and pay tons more. Basically, outside of this situation they act like things are MY fault. And yesterday with the coworker helping me destroyed my motivation to even try because again, I do everything so wrong

I should add – this is minimum wage for my state. 11 an hour. I could be yelled at for $15 an hour and full time benefits. Even then it’ll at least for products I know nothing about instead of an entitled family getting mad I touched a faulty swimming tube.

I can’t believe this workplace even says they’re a family too even though it’s not the case, so many people quit and I’ve heard gossip about coworkers doing something wrong all the time even though it should be said to their face

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