
I have to go back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks of parental leave and I legitimately want to kill myself.

Basically title. I'm supposed to also have tomorrow off as well for the full two weeks but a few people are sick and it's unlikely I'll have cover. My job isn't even that bad, but holy shit not having to deal with the bullshit for two weeks has been phenomenal. I never want to go back. If I had these two weeks off and I didn't have kids, I genuinely would probably unalive myself than go back to the life-sapping drudgery of retail.

Basically title. I'm supposed to also have tomorrow off as well for the full two weeks but a few people are sick and it's unlikely I'll have cover. My job isn't even that bad, but holy shit not having to deal with the bullshit for two weeks has been phenomenal. I never want to go back. If I had these two weeks off and I didn't have kids, I genuinely would probably unalive myself than go back to the life-sapping drudgery of retail.

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