
‘Business’ and ‘busyness’ are the same exact thing but “business” has become a word of it’s own to protect the culture of greed and exploitation.

Over time, busyness developed a secondary connotation and eventually its own word, “biz-ness” with two syllables, to mean something positive, a form of commerce and not just describing being busy for the sake of being busy. Just imagine how it would sound if we still pronounced it correctly, with 3 syllables. “I'm here for busy-ness.” “I'm going on a busy-ness trip.” “I own a busy-ness.” Makes it sound as silly as it really is, a borderline schizophrenic delusion of having to occupy yourself with something in order to justify your existence, especially while ignorant of what kind of effects your 'busyness' is going to have on the world. Fuck the “bizznesss” culture and call it what it is, while rampart problems that we actually now have the means and resources to solve went unnoticed because the conscious creatures of this world were too busy with meaningless exploitation of the natural…

Over time, busyness developed a secondary connotation and eventually its own word, “biz-ness” with two syllables, to mean something positive, a form of commerce and not just describing being busy for the sake of being busy. Just imagine how it would sound if we still pronounced it correctly, with 3 syllables. “I'm here for busy-ness.” “I'm going on a busy-ness trip.” “I own a busy-ness.” Makes it sound as silly as it really is, a borderline schizophrenic delusion of having to occupy yourself with something in order to justify your existence, especially while ignorant of what kind of effects your 'busyness' is going to have on the world. Fuck the “bizznesss” culture and call it what it is, while rampart problems that we actually now have the means and resources to solve went unnoticed because the conscious creatures of this world were too busy with meaningless exploitation of the natural world and lives. There's a reason why we're busying ourselves so much, they're getting theirs while there's anything left to get

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