
I’m 32 years old & concerned my job has damaged my health.

I've worked at a company that manufactures heated cabinets for the food service industry, and have been there about 4 years now. About 2.5 of these years, I've been building heated appliances which utilize fiberglass roll insulation. Every morning, we cut the necessary amount to size, for the cabinets we plan to build for the day. We do not wear masks, nor any special suit. Just typical beater work clothes. I don't know why I had never thought about it, or noticed, but two days ago I noticed all of the glass dust that comes off of it when disturbed. I happened to be wearing black jeans, and when using the flashlight on my phone, I found my pants to be covered in the glass dust. I started to look around, and found it everywhere. On the interior of my brand new car, on surfaces of my house, etc. I…

I've worked at a company that manufactures heated cabinets for the food service industry, and have been there about 4 years now.

About 2.5 of these years, I've been building heated appliances which utilize fiberglass roll insulation. Every morning, we cut the necessary amount to size, for the cabinets we plan to build for the day. We do not wear masks, nor any special suit. Just typical beater work clothes.
I don't know why I had never thought about it, or noticed, but two days ago I noticed all of the glass dust that comes off of it when disturbed. I happened to be wearing black jeans, and when using the flashlight on my phone, I found my pants to be covered in the glass dust.

I started to look around, and found it everywhere. On the interior of my brand new car, on surfaces of my house, etc. I used to just walk into my house and strip, not knowing all of the glass dust coming off of my work clothes into the open air. I'm sort of freaking out over this.

I'm sure all of my clothes are contaminated. I am unsure how to even clean my vehicles interior (if even possible) but most importantly, I'm worried about my health after reading up on things. I am desperately trying to find new employment, but in the mean time I am trying to calm down.

Any suggestions guys? WTF should I do? My exposure (if I had to guess) was probably pretty heavy. I'm kicking myself in the ass for being so stupid and oblivious until possibly too late. It's also the companies complacency for allowing us to perform this job without adequate PPE.

I’m seriously fucking depressed and want to cry. What do I do?

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