
Asymmetrical working hours for different countries

I have been thinking about this alot lately. Im living in Turkey and working in a company based in Turkey. As might some of you know Turkey have one of the most inhumane working hours around the globe, maximum of 45 hours a week. Everything evolves around this, you can only get payed overtime after this is achieved, even after that, it is only if you can. No hourly wage is determined, highly open to elaboration mostly ends up with employer being right. It is already too much having to work for 45 hours in a week, and developed countries with 36 hours of worktime going forward and trying 4 days of work, Turkey only gets worse about the subject as echonomy worsens. Shouldn't we have some sort of globalized syndicate, or something like it that have enough force to provoke employers for better working conditions? Isn't that already a…

I have been thinking about this alot lately. Im living in Turkey and working in a company based in Turkey. As might some of you know Turkey have one of the most inhumane working hours around the globe, maximum of 45 hours a week.

Everything evolves around this, you can only get payed overtime after this is achieved, even after that, it is only if you can. No hourly wage is determined, highly open to elaboration mostly ends up with employer being right.

It is already too much having to work for 45 hours in a week, and developed countries with 36 hours of worktime going forward and trying 4 days of work, Turkey only gets worse about the subject as echonomy worsens.

Shouldn't we have some sort of globalized syndicate, or something like it that have enough force to provoke employers for better working conditions? Isn't that already a time for working for all people? This fragmentation of workers hurts majority of people in the world and we need something like climate action working on the condition of workers.

I dont know how it can be achieved, I don't know if any institution will claim such power to force countries for acknowledging policies but I'm starting to feel it is not going to get better unless we manage to find a common ground to fight together.

I'm here to simply start a conversation about the global side of things and I ll be happy to find any sort of ideas about better work conditions for all.

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