
Employer rather pay tax penalties than provide their employees with health insurance

I work for a franchised tax business that owns multiple spas throughout the east coast. Recently, I brought up health insurance to my coworkers and found out that no one is offered a plan despite their 40+ hour work schedule. My conversation about how everyone deserve rights, even the right to healthcare stirred up some curiosity and one of my coworkers did some digging with their accountant and found out that our employer is fishing over $2,000 per head to the IRS instead of offering health insurance. Is there anything that we can do to at least fight for their right to obtain healthcare? I recently quit my position but I would like to advocate for them if I can.

I work for a franchised tax business that owns multiple spas throughout the east coast. Recently, I brought up health insurance to my coworkers and found out that no one is offered a plan despite their 40+ hour work schedule. My conversation about how everyone deserve rights, even the right to healthcare stirred up some curiosity and one of my coworkers did some digging with their accountant and found out that our employer is fishing over $2,000 per head to the IRS instead of offering health insurance. Is there anything that we can do to at least fight for their right to obtain healthcare? I recently quit my position but I would like to advocate for them if I can.

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