
Quit on the spot or give notice?

To be clear: I am not quitting my job. I will wait to be fired. Some insight: the culture of my workplace has grown to be toxic within the last 6-8 months with various employees being targeted (myself included) with micromanagement & write ups. 3 co-workers recently had a discussion on each others process of quitting a toxic job. I was surprised to learn that all 3 said they would quit on the spot without any thought, if the atmosphere became too much to handle. This blows my mind because I could never do that. Not because I value the relationship with the company and want to leave on good terms. Heck no. But because as a single person, I cannot allow myself to be reckless with my livelihood. I can’t jeopardize my financial responsibilities by just up and quitting. I have no family, friends, partner to cover me. I…

To be clear: I am not quitting my job. I will wait to be fired.

Some insight: the culture of my workplace has grown to be toxic within the last 6-8 months with various employees being targeted (myself included) with micromanagement & write ups. 3 co-workers recently had a discussion on each others process of quitting a toxic job. I was surprised to learn that all 3 said they would quit on the spot without any thought, if the atmosphere became too much to handle.

This blows my mind because I could never do that. Not because I value the relationship with the company and want to leave on good terms. Heck no. But because as a single person, I cannot allow myself to be reckless with my livelihood. I can’t jeopardize my financial responsibilities by just up and quitting. I have no family, friends, partner to cover me. I need to have a plan even if that means enduring the toxicity while I get my ducks in a row (saving money and having another job lined up before I quit). All 3 of these co-workers either live @ home OR have family/partner to lean on.

So I wanted to know: what’s your method of quitting when you can no longer bear the work environment?

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