
Coworker made a threat and my company is handling it terribly.

Like most people here in the US I had to work Monday July 3rd but had the 4th off. When we came back yesterday on the 5th we were all informed that an incident occured on Monday and because of that the company has decided to hire secuirity. Now as people do, rumors have been circulating the building and I've heard three different things so far. First is that this person just threatened to come back and shoot the person he had an argument with. Then I heard the person threatened to shoot up the whole building, and finally that they threatened to come back with a bomb. We asked out boss for more information so we know who to watch out for in the parking lot and just so we know what's actually going on. My boss's response was that what we've heard as rumors are probably true but…

Like most people here in the US I had to work Monday July 3rd but had the 4th off. When we came back yesterday on the 5th we were all informed that an incident occured on Monday and because of that the company has decided to hire secuirity. Now as people do, rumors have been circulating the building and I've heard three different things so far. First is that this person just threatened to come back and shoot the person he had an argument with. Then I heard the person threatened to shoot up the whole building, and finally that they threatened to come back with a bomb. We asked out boss for more information so we know who to watch out for in the parking lot and just so we know what's actually going on. My boss's response was that what we've heard as rumors are probably true but they can tell us a name or show us a picture of the person, so we are all just incredibly uncomfortable being a work with zero confirmed information. My issue with this is that clearly the threat was serious enough to warrent security, which we didn't have before, but not serious enough to keep security past the end of the week. I know the statistic is 96 hours between a threat being made and it being carried out. Why not just close the building for 96 hours just to be on the safe side? Oh I know why, that would hurt productivity and the shareholders need their money. This is just fucked up, I'm not normally one for anxiety but I'll be damned if I'm not anxious as hell and I can tell you my productivity has suffered this week.

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