
Marketing is the most exploitative field and I want out.

Anyone who has a marketing background will likely agree, nobody other than your direct report understands what you do and even then, they have no clue about workload. I work as a marketing coordinator for multiple resorts. My day to day involves graphic design, website management, video and photo editing, digital asset management, email marketing, and whatever IT clerical or administrative tasks my boomer coworkers come up with. I’m burnt out. My boss is a director and works remote. She makes priority lists for me as if she knows exactly what my workload is. Design a flyer for this, signage for that, upload a TB of photography and video assets here, why isn’t it done in thirty minutes? I’m so tired of this. I left a field I loved because I was not receiving the mentorship I thought I deserved and now I’ve regressed even further just spinning my wheels…

Anyone who has a marketing background will likely agree, nobody other than your direct report understands what you do and even then, they have no clue about workload.

I work as a marketing coordinator for multiple resorts. My day to day involves graphic design, website management, video and photo editing, digital asset management, email marketing, and whatever IT clerical or administrative tasks my boomer coworkers come up with.

I’m burnt out. My boss is a director and works remote. She makes priority lists for me as if she knows exactly what my workload is.

Design a flyer for this, signage for that, upload a TB of photography and video assets here, why isn’t it done in thirty minutes? I’m so tired of this. I left a field I loved because I was not receiving the mentorship I thought I deserved and now I’ve regressed even further just spinning my wheels designing menus and replying to angry customers on Facebook and google.

Is there a marketing role where you do one task? I’d love to be an email marketing manager or an e-commerce manager. Shit, I’d love to be a manager but my boss tells me I don’t actually manage any one or any processes despite doing most of the legwork for her uncreative and pedantic ass.

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