
Two degrees and can’t get a job

While searching for what to do in this situation I came across a similar post posted in this subreddit, so hopefully this is appropriate. I have a bachelors in computer and information science with a minor in digital forensics and I’m currently working on my bachelors in criminal justice. So, by the this weekend of 2023 I will have two bachelors degrees. But I can’t get a job in my field and I’m at the point where I’m applying to my local grocery store and I’m really not sure what to do. I did great in high school, straight A’s with very little experience. College was not easy. I wasn’t ready when I first tried it and I failed big time. So I went right into the work force and worked part time customer service based jobs for years before ending up in parks & rec. I was with parks…

While searching for what to do in this situation I came across a similar post posted in this subreddit, so hopefully this is appropriate.

I have a bachelors in computer and information science with a minor in digital forensics and I’m currently working on my bachelors in criminal justice. So, by the this weekend of 2023 I will have two bachelors degrees. But I can’t get a job in my field and I’m at the point where I’m applying to my local grocery store and I’m really not sure what to do.

I did great in high school, straight A’s with very little experience. College was not easy. I wasn’t ready when I first tried it and I failed big time. So I went right into the work force and worked part time customer service based jobs for years before ending up in parks & rec. I was with parks & rec for nearly four years. I worked at three different community centers doing front desk (signing people up for the center or classes, I knew every program in the county) and party prep. I’d wake up at 4am almost everyday, opened at one center at 5am, worked there until 10am, went to the next center until 5pm, and went to the last center until 10pm or later. I’d do every single day for 4 years. Even though I was working nonstop, I wasn’t financially stable at all. So I decided to go back to school and try it again.

I wasn’t confident in myself and I thought I needed a degree that was a sure thing. Something I could do, even if it wasn’t my dream, that was stable. So computer and information science it was. I hated it. I hated it with a passion. I still do. The thought of having to be in a tech position fills me with a dread I can’t explain. I got good grades and stuck with it until I got the bachelors. Looking for a job was brutal. I lived near DC at the time, so big cyber security place. No experience, I spent months looking for a job and nothing. So, I decided to go back again for a second degree while I searched for a job.

I moved recently, so now I’m unemployed again (I was working part time as a teller). This time, I’ve decided to get a job in the field while I get the degree. I feel like my failure to land anything before was because I lacked working experience. Well, I’ve applied for everything I feel qualified for in my local government. I’ve gotten a few interviews that I thought went really well but I was rejected for all of them. I’m not really a police officer type of person, I’m not physically prepared for that yet, but I’m working on it. At this point I feel like I wasted my time getting my first degree and I feel like I’m wasting my time with this second one. I’m so deep in debt, I’ll never recover from it. Before my move, I saved up nine month worth of bill money that is now almost gone. I moved with my parents, I’m 27 so that feels pretty crappy, but I have help if I need it and I know I can get a part time job to cover me financially. But I need more. I did all this to get out of this situation to begin with and I’ve literally just dug myself deeper for no reason.

I’m stuck.

Thank you for letting me rant.

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