
My boss asks me when me and my boyfriend are breaking up

I'm a 18F working at a welding shop, I'm the only girl there that works in the shop. I just started my job less than a month ago and I'm constantly being bothered by my boss, 52M, about my boyfriend. He's said stuff such as 'So when are you and 'boyfriends name' going to break up?' Just TOTALLY out of the blue. He says this about every other day and it's making me uncomfortable because he doesn't know me enough to tease about that. Me and my boyfriend also live an hour away on the weekdays so I only see him on weekends. He likes to say 'You know 'boyfriend's name' is cheating on you right? With you guys not seeing eachother for a few days I bet he sees other women, what's stopping him?' He knows we've been dating for 3 years. I've only known this guy a little…

I'm a 18F working at a welding shop, I'm the only girl there that works in the shop. I just started my job less than a month ago and I'm constantly being bothered by my boss, 52M, about my boyfriend. He's said stuff such as 'So when are you and 'boyfriends name' going to break up?' Just TOTALLY out of the blue. He says this about every other day and it's making me uncomfortable because he doesn't know me enough to tease about that. Me and my boyfriend also live an hour away on the weekdays so I only see him on weekends. He likes to say 'You know 'boyfriend's name' is cheating on you right? With you guys not seeing eachother for a few days I bet he sees other women, what's stopping him?' He knows we've been dating for 3 years. I've only known this guy a little less than a month. I think this is totally inappropriate behavior for my boss/ owner of the company. I declined 4 job offers to take this job and I'm regretting it so bad.

I'm going to quit either tomorrow or Friday. I don't think I can put in a 2 week notice without being teased. There's only 5 people that work here total, 3 of them being a mom dad and son, then 2 of us random people. I'm a contractor so I guess I don't really have to give a 2 weeks. Different things are -The son will poke fun of me for being slow on the forklift because I'm new -He'll also poke fun of me for being slower than the veteran welder even though I'm straight out of high school -I went to an event with the boss and the other random guy at work on Friday, and apparently this Monday morning they told the random, 'since you guys are such good friends, when are you banging??' Reminder I'm 18 and he's 16. -Boss will randomly dissappear to his house next door for 10 to 30 minutes at a time -I ask him to help me with a project I've never done before and he straight up told me no he won't help.

Any and all help and comments would be appreciated on what I should do. I've never been in this position and a second voice would be good. Thank you so much.

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