
Dismissed for gross misconduct whilst on annual leave via text

Hi. So Friday last week I had a stream of very nasty rude customers. One in particular was so abusive I asked her to stop talking to me so badly or she would have to leave. She started screaming and being so nasty into my face I shouted back ‘right that’s it I don’t have to deal with this’ (I possibly said shit) as I walked into the back to try and get myself together and get out of the firing line. The only other thing I said was in reply to her ‘you don’t know what I have to put up with’ and I replied ‘nor do you know what I have too’ I ended up being so shook up and upset I couldn’t stop crying and I had to leave. I was too distressed to drive so I had to get someone from home to pick me up.…

Hi. So Friday last week I had a stream of very nasty rude customers. One in particular was so abusive I asked her to stop talking to me so badly or she would have to leave. She started screaming and being so nasty into my face I shouted back ‘right that’s it I don’t have to deal with this’ (I possibly said shit) as I walked into the back to try and get myself together and get out of the firing line. The only other thing I said was in reply to her ‘you don’t know what I have to put up with’ and I replied ‘nor do you know what I have too’

I ended up being so shook up and upset I couldn’t stop crying and I had to leave. I was too distressed to drive so I had to get someone from home to pick me up. My boss wasn’t at work that day and I haven’t seen him since.

My annual leave started Monday and last night late at night I received a WhatsApp that I have been dismissed with immediate affect due to the incident. Due to my ‘aggressive attitude to a customer and offensive language’. I am surprised this ‘most serious’ misconduct has been put against me as firstly I felt as-if I was the victim and secondly because I haven’t even seen anyone to tell them what happened. And also sending me a message whilst on annual leave that I’m fired without even having a chance to explain at 10pm?

Nothing seems right here? Any help? Thank you

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