
Thankful for Unemployment

I want to first acknowledge that I'm in the extremely privileged position of being single, childless, able-bodied (with a history of mental illness), and having a financially supportive family (phone bill and occasionally health expenses). I was laid of in mid February due to “budget changes” in the company. In hindsight, it's probably because I was the least cooperative+punitive person on managememt. They literally chose a barely-functioning alcoholic who'd started a fight over me. ANYWAY, I was given 11 weeks severance and a referral to a third party recruiting firm (which I never heard from). While still doing my state's required job searching activities, I've: Volunteered at a local animal welfare organization Reorganized my living space and gotten to home improvement projects I'd put off for a dog's age Dyed my hair the fun colors I've dreamed of for years Gone to group fitness classes or events I would never…

I want to first acknowledge that I'm in the extremely privileged position of being single, childless, able-bodied (with a history of mental illness), and having a financially supportive family (phone bill and occasionally health expenses).

I was laid of in mid February due to “budget changes” in the company. In hindsight, it's probably because I was the least cooperative+punitive person on managememt. They literally chose a barely-functioning alcoholic who'd started a fight over me. ANYWAY, I was given 11 weeks severance and a referral to a third party recruiting firm (which I never heard from).
While still doing my state's required job searching activities, I've:
Volunteered at a local animal welfare organization
Reorganized my living space and gotten to home improvement projects I'd put off for a dog's age
Dyed my hair the fun colors I've dreamed of for years
Gone to group fitness classes or events I would never have the time/energy for.

I now wake up without a sense of dread for what the day may hold for me. I indulge inn small pleasures without worry of interruption or the anxiety of getting ready to perform for anyone. My obligations are met by choice, at my pace.

I did secure a position in an unionized, office setting and while I'm sad to be clocking back in this week, I'm immensely grateful for the time off I had.

All that to say, getting laid off was one of the best things to ever happen to me, the social safety net is important and Universal Basic Income should be a thing,
And don't rush back to working if you don't have to.

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