
Two security guards got fired from my job for the dumbest reason

I work at a hotel that also leases to a company helping homeless immigrants. Since March we had two security guards hired, and they would work two to three shifts in a row and work everyday. Two of the homeless people coordinators get away with banging in the rooms when they feel like it, but the two security guards can’t take a fifteen minute nap during their break in one of the rooms? One of the younger security guards panicked once a hotel resident was being a Karen saying,”You’re not supposed to use them rooms.” (This Karen is the most annoying white privileged racist trouble maker with no life in this building). So the security guard jumped off a two story balcony like an idiot. The other one didn’t. The one who jumped cried to management saying please don’t fire me. He threw the other under the bus saying they…

I work at a hotel that also leases to a company helping homeless immigrants. Since March we had two security guards hired, and they would work two to three shifts in a row and work everyday.

Two of the homeless people coordinators get away with banging in the rooms when they feel like it, but the two security guards can’t take a fifteen minute nap during their break in one of the rooms?

One of the younger security guards panicked once a hotel resident was being a Karen saying,”You’re not supposed to use them rooms.” (This Karen is the most annoying white privileged racist trouble maker with no life in this building).

So the security guard jumped off a two story balcony like an idiot. The other one didn’t. The one who jumped cried to management saying please don’t fire me. He threw the other under the bus saying they both jumped. Both were fired. I understand the way one of them went about it was dumb af.

A report was made and they were let go. A few of the staff including myself knew it wasn’t right for them to lose their jobs. They worked hard and long hours even when they were sick. I feel the worst for the one who didn’t jump. He has bills like the rest of us, is driven, had goals, got his green card is working towards citizenship, separated from his wife and this postponed his divorce.

She threatened him and blackmailed him. Not just his words, everyone at work knows and his friends know he’s been trying to finalize it. He’s afraid of her.

He was a very good friend and I will miss working with him. He made me and other crew not hate our jobs so much. When I asked to speak with the higher management via email, giving little details, they responded with vitriol. I heard the higher up manager was a dick. Now I know. He forwarded my email to my boss who yelled at me. Saying this is my last warning. I DIDNT DO ANYTHING EXCEPT ASK TO SPEAK WITH. MANAGEMENT!

Since when is it a crime to request to speak with the higher management? It’s a homeless shelter not working for Gordon Ramsey! They took time to criticize me and humiliate me when I have never given any reason for them to be against me. It doesn’t make sense. I know they are in a financial bind because they’re being too cheap to hire more workers. Had they hired one more security guard maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Yes it has deteriorated to a sketchy building and management. I was here before all of them.

I know you’re probably thinking, why do you care? Because working at a place with no cameras no locks on the front lobby door, working with him made us feel safe unlike the other creeps that have been hired in different departments. Some people just have an energy that make you look forward to going to work. Now it’s dead.

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