
I wouldn’t be the AH for cutting my two weeks notice early?

So my company is a little difficult as I’m not in america. I work for a business EFL company in Japan. I got diagnosed meniere’s earlier this year and while I could get medical leave and medical permissions for the vertigo I’m having, my company made it very stressful and pressured me into working more than my doctor was allowing, as well as asking me to lie to my doctor about it. Well of course, after this ended, I still get sick and need to call in. I have been pulled into multiple meetings since then guilting me with “a failing reputation” and “causing chaos” and “being unprofessional” about being sick. Well of course I immediately looked for a new job and have gotten a few part time options lined up. Put in my two weeks notice and since I have no energy, I just blamed it on my health…

So my company is a little difficult as I’m not in america. I work for a business EFL company in Japan. I got diagnosed meniere’s earlier this year and while I could get medical leave and medical permissions for the vertigo I’m having, my company made it very stressful and pressured me into working more than my doctor was allowing, as well as asking me to lie to my doctor about it.

Well of course, after this ended, I still get sick and need to call in. I have been pulled into multiple meetings since then guilting me with “a failing reputation” and “causing chaos” and “being unprofessional” about being sick.

Well of course I immediately looked for a new job and have gotten a few part time options lined up. Put in my two weeks notice and since I have no energy, I just blamed it on my health and left it there. My last day is next week and I was trying to push for it so I could get some extra cash from it.

Today, being my last Thursday, my manager of the branch came in at the last minute asking to tell the students about my medical condition being the reason for leaving. She was worried about the students getting upset since the teachers were changing so much and thought it’d be easier if they knew I was sick. There’s only a few minutes before my class so I reluctantly said yes even though I didn’t feel comfortable.

She described it way more than I was comfortable with to the student and didn’t let me protest when I tried to ask her not to do it in front of me. I don’t want the whole “omg are you okay.”

I feel like I’ve snapped. Would I be the AH for quitting Saturday? I feel like it’s nice enough for the situation I’ve been left with. Bring my company’s shit Friday, finish out the week, and then leave with a big FU.

By law, if I feel harassed, and with my contract type, I’m allowed to quit on the spot. I’d only lose two days of salary. It just doesn’t feel worth it.

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