I work teaching an orientation class for new hires at a very large company. At the beginning of this year, our corporate decided to try to restructure how the content is distributed to the new hires. All around I think the whole thing is good but one thing really bothers me.
The job I train people for is a part time job. The class is only supposed to last 3.5 hours and covers everything from policies and procedures to basic training. The class goes on for 4 days and has a “theme” to each training day. Every week I feel like I don’t have enough time or that we aren’t moving fast enough through the materials. This made me want to go through the corporate outline yesterday and added up how much time corporate thinks should be spent doing what training.
Every. Single. Day. Adds up to OVER 3.5 hours by at least 20-30min. Also while I was going through it, some of the times they have on there are BS anyways. On day3 of the class, the new hires are supposed to jump on a computer to complete web based training. One of the trainings in particular I’ve watched them take and it seems to average around 30-45min for my new hires to even get to the test at the end, let alone finish it. How long does the outline say this training should take? 15min. I’ve gone through the training before and if it were to only take 15min, whoever was timed for it didn’t read anything.
It isn’t the end of the world or anything it just irks me and makes it feel like my fault sometimes when the classes fall behind. If I’m ever asked why my people are taking so long to finish things (it’s usually the web based trainings that set me back anyways) I’ll probably just end up showing my boss the math and saying it doesn’t even add up. I’d want to fix it myself but I’m looking at having an interview for a new job soon so I’m trying to “quiet quit.”
TLDR; corporate gives our new hires class 3.5 hours every day for a 4 day week to get through training materials and policies/procedures but the corporate outline adds up to needing over 3.5 hours everyday leading to making me feel like I’m falling behind when everything isn’t finished at the end of day 3.