

To sum this shit up. Moved to a new employer “Growing Company” bullshit. I’m in management (Salary). First 90 days are Mandated 6 days a week, scheduled 9 hour shifts. With meetings outside of scheduled hours as well. After my 90 days, my days off are split Fridays and Sundays. With meeting always on my Friday day off. I was initially told my Saturday shift was only 5 hours. However when the time came after my 90 days. They made it seem like I made that shit up and said, “No you work a full shift”. I was like… weird Weeks later, my counterpart saw me on a Saturday and to their surprise I was working. And they also confirmed my initial belief which was told to me during my interview and orientation. So again I asked and got gaslighted to oblivion. Months later, I pull up the schedule for…

To sum this shit up. Moved to a new employer “Growing Company” bullshit. I’m in management (Salary).

First 90 days are Mandated 6 days a week, scheduled 9 hour shifts. With meetings outside of scheduled hours as well.

After my 90 days, my days off are split Fridays and Sundays. With meeting always on my Friday day off. I was initially told my Saturday shift was only 5 hours. However when the time came after my 90 days. They made it seem like I made that shit up and said, “No you work a full shift”.

I was like… weird

Weeks later, my counterpart saw me on a Saturday and to their surprise I was working. And they also confirmed my initial belief which was told to me during my interview and orientation. So again I asked and got gaslighted to oblivion.

Months later, I pull up the schedule for another location. And come to fuckin find out, I see the scheduled hours for my other counterpart working the hours I was told I would have, but was made to feel crazy for saying “why am I not working these hours?!”

Beyond fuckin livid. Took a 40k pay cut to come to this “growing company” that legit has someone operating as HR that has absolutely 0 HR experience, degrees, or any of the relevant certs. It’s a fuckin joke

Their turnover rate for managers is fucking obscene. I’m the 3rd most senior in a period of less than 6 months.

And for reference, I’m great at my job. Highest 90 day review scores they’ve had for my position and they just asked me to open their next location.

Fuckin joke now.

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