
I think a few of you have become lost in the sauce. Recently saw a post about OP struggling, with a partner who doesn’t work and thousands of retro arcade machines in a SPARE ROOM

Yes comrades, we all deserve to not break our backs while the overlords get richer. However, I think some people don’t quite understand how the world really operates. You’re not going to get a 100k a year job fresh out of school. Life is hard, and you actively have to be a participant in your future if you’d like to have a fulfilling one. That means making informed decisions and suffering short term. I made the decision to leave my passion (cooking) and work a blue collar industrial job. I work outside, in marsh country. It gets fucking HOT. The world doesn’t owe me an office job in the AC just because my peers have them. I’m not raging in the mirror every morning that I have to wear a hard hat at work, and statistically it’s a dangerous job. Life isn’t fair. You actually DO have to put work…

Yes comrades, we all deserve to not break our backs while the overlords get richer. However, I think some people don’t quite understand how the world really operates. You’re not going to get a 100k a year job fresh out of school. Life is hard, and you actively have to be a participant in your future if you’d like to have a fulfilling one. That means making informed decisions and suffering short term. I made the decision to leave my passion (cooking) and work a blue collar industrial job. I work outside, in marsh country. It gets fucking HOT. The world doesn’t owe me an office job in the AC just because my peers have them. I’m not raging in the mirror every morning that I have to wear a hard hat at work, and statistically it’s a dangerous job. Life isn’t fair. You actually DO have to put work in to live a good one. Society does NOT owe you that cushy job. It SHOULD owe you the opportunity to put the effort in to get it however. And I think that’s where things need to change, because not everyone has that opportunity. Ready for the downvotes, I hope I relayed my message like I meant to

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