
Today my Boss Exploded

Rant I don’t want to give out too many details, but today my boss exploded at work. I work in marketing and the position requires a lot of jumping between complex tasks that are hard to juggle: emails, customer service, website research, multiple programs, and constant in/out-bound phone calls. To add to it all, there’s hardly any structure amongst the department due to high turn-over. Training is like a game of telephone at this point, but at the end of the day we have to get the work done however we can. Two days ago, my boss decided to completely change up the structure of how we do our job, because he was upset with the fact that no one has been trained properly. Not that he’s been of any help this entire time… until now. Today, through two closed doors, I had to listen to my boss cuss and…


I don’t want to give out too many details, but today my boss exploded at work.

I work in marketing and the position requires a lot of jumping between complex tasks that are hard to juggle: emails, customer service, website research, multiple programs, and constant in/out-bound phone calls.

To add to it all, there’s hardly any structure amongst the department due to high turn-over. Training is like a game of telephone at this point, but at the end of the day we have to get the work done however we can.

Two days ago, my boss decided to completely change up the structure of how we do our job, because he was upset with the fact that no one has been trained properly.
Not that he’s been of any help this entire time… until now.

Today, through two closed doors, I had to listen to my boss cuss and scream at a coworker for not being “fucking enthusiastic enough” on a call. (Which I call bullshit, because that guy is the most extroverted worker here. And he’s always upbeat and energetic on phone calls.)

Boss just stormed in, slammed the door, and felt the need to reprimand this guy in the middle of the office in front of coworkers.
Boss then left, slamming the door again, and stomped back up the stairs.

So basically today was really intense and left me shaken. All the other coworkers have described him as scary and now I know why. The outburst was so sudden and aggressive that I don’t feel comfortable staying.
I think I’m putting in my two-weeks notice soon.

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