
My boss is giving me all the responsibilities

Hello, so I work in security. My boss gives me so much work that its driving me crazy. We all are suppose to have an inspection a month to do, everyone on the team. However, everyone I see on the team has either 1 or no inspections, while I have 7 to do a month, 7 INSPECTIONS!! We recently transferred over one of my inspections to someone else in the team because the stress was getting to me of over working myself (I make 1$ more than everyone else). I decided to give it to someone else, only one inspection so I would still have 6 to do compared to everyone else. Well a week later my boss comes back to me and telling me “The guy wont be able to do it, he says he does not have time to do it, we really need you to do” I…

Hello, so I work in security. My boss gives me so much work that its driving me crazy. We all are suppose to have an inspection a month to do, everyone on the team. However, everyone I see on the team has either 1 or no inspections, while I have 7 to do a month, 7 INSPECTIONS!!

We recently transferred over one of my inspections to someone else in the team because the stress was getting to me of over working myself (I make 1$ more than everyone else). I decided to give it to someone else, only one inspection so I would still have 6 to do compared to everyone else. Well a week later my boss comes back to me and telling me “The guy wont be able to do it, he says he does not have time to do it, we really need you to do” I said back why am I the only one doing all the work this does not make sense. His reply “We need you to do it because you are the one that works the best and we need to get it done, I don't want to run after the other security agents because they don't want to do it.”

Today I just got fed up and wrote my boss a formal email saying I will be declining the extra inspection that is needed because I am overworked. I told him my mental health and physical health are getting exhausted from doing all this that I will not be taking anymore. I feel bad about sending this email because I feel like I am acting like a bad employee but I feel exhausted to be honest. My job started at 5AM so I have to wake up at 4AM around.

My work duties are :

Come into work overtime sometimes because of extra work that needs to be done due to my clearances, the company does not want to hire another person with these accesses (that's why I have 1$ more, if I leave they will have to shut down a department I was told, which there client confirmed with me).

I order all of the supplies for my department and keep of check of all the inventory

I do building inspections to ensure the building to ensure nothing is broken

I have to check every medical kit in the building (25 of them), open them and check if all the items are in there or things are missing, if yes I will have to add more or add to my list to purchase for supplies than add to it

I need to check every emergency door and make a list to fill.

I have to check all the eye washes bottles in the building and if none I will have to order more as well

I have to ensure all inventory in the security office is there and if not need to order more

I ensure the team does there tasks every month, management gave me a list and I have to review it and change it as needed.

I have to follow up with other security agents (Mandated by my management)

During the day I have to answer the phones, handle the fire panel, ensure I respond to calls and talk to contractors and clients coming in all at the same time while also unlocking doors from my system and checking the cameras as well. All at the same time.

I have to do escorts as well in high security areas

Go to places in the building to ensure fire sensors and working

Answer emails in a timely manner while I am expected to do everything listed here at the same time

Answer intercoms as well

Control gate access

Control parking and where people go

Write on the white board and keep track of construction going on

Ensuring picking up calls giving people accesses on there cards for doors they need while at the same time ensuring approval is met

Ensure security agents are doing the work they need to do (on my shift directed by management).

I also walk about 9k sometimes from the amount of running around I do.

I some other tasks.

I do all this during the day in a single day.. all the time.

Is this normal to be honest? Am I right for writing this email? I just feel exhausted and all for 20$ an hour.

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