
Underpaid Day Taken Off for Sick Leave. Wage Theft?

Context: I live in Colorado, so there's government-mandated paid time off for sick and family leave. I also work at a company that pays time-and-a-half on certain federal holidays. I was scheduled to work July 4th, one of these time-and-a-half days. I got sick, put in a request to use sick time, and was approved for the request. Paycheck dropped two days ago. Sick time is being paid out at day rate, not rate for July 4th. According to the paid sick leave (check link) “Leave must be paid for time on leave, and at the same pay rate the employee earns during time worked.” The time I would have worked would have been at the higher rate, but the sick time paid out wasn't. Should I call and report this to my work to have my pay adjusted? Have I misread this somehow? Any advice would be appreciated.

Context: I live in Colorado, so there's government-mandated paid time off for sick and family leave. I also work at a company that pays time-and-a-half on certain federal holidays.

I was scheduled to work July 4th, one of these time-and-a-half days. I got sick, put in a request to use sick time, and was approved for the request.

Paycheck dropped two days ago. Sick time is being paid out at day rate, not rate for July 4th. According to the paid sick leave (check link) “Leave must be paid for time on leave, and at the same pay rate the employee earns during time worked.” The time I would have worked would have been at the higher rate, but the sick time paid out wasn't. Should I call and report this to my work to have my pay adjusted? Have I misread this somehow? Any advice would be appreciated.

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