
I took time off for mental health and I was fired for “not telling anyone” even though I had proof.

This past year has been rough. My mother in law, and my dad died within two weeks of each other. My wife left me and took my son. I stopped taking my meds for anxiety and depression and I couldn't hold down a job. I finally found a good job that lasted a few months. I wasn't a star employee but I liked it and I was trying to get better. But the stress of the last year was grinding on me. I took a few days off work and even got a doctor's note and let my immediate supervisor know I'd be off work. I let them know daly that I wouldn't be in. I tried contacting HR and they wouldn't answer or respond. When I came back after the standard 3 days we have to take, I couldn't log in and I was told I was let go…

This past year has been rough. My mother in law, and my dad died within two weeks of each other. My wife left me and took my son. I stopped taking my meds for anxiety and depression and I couldn't hold down a job. I finally found a good job that lasted a few months. I wasn't a star employee but I liked it and I was trying to get better. But the stress of the last year was grinding on me. I took a few days off work and even got a doctor's note and let my immediate supervisor know I'd be off work. I let them know daly that I wouldn't be in. I tried contacting HR and they wouldn't answer or respond. When I came back after the standard 3 days we have to take, I couldn't log in and I was told I was let go for “not telling anyone and just leaving work” I tried saying I had proof, calls, messages and a doctor's note. They refused to listen. The told me they called me each day to check in. They called from unknown numbers, ONCE per day and never left a voicemail so I didn't even know. And they won't even answer any calls or messages since. They tossed me away and refuse to acknowledge me.

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